
EMIS Patient Access - 11/01/2023 - Online Appointment Booking Service is temporarily suspended - if you need to make an appointment please contact the Practice. 
You can now order your repeat medication and make a routine appointment with your GP online using Patient Access. To register for this service please contact reception who will give you an activation key.

The Practice Policy on accepting samples at Reception has now changed.

We will now only accept a sample if this has been requested after a consultation with either one of our GP’s or Nursing staff.  

Urinary Symptoms  - patients are reminded to contact Triage in the first instance for the appropriate advice / course of action.

Any other type of sample requests will be upon instruction by our clinical team and these must be  handed into the Practice before 12:00 along with the completed Practice sample slip with all relevant details.  

DEDICATED EMAIL ADDRESS - PATIENT USE ONLY - You may be asked during a telephone consultation with the GP, to submit a photographic image to assist with a diagnosis.  We have set up a dedicated/secure e-mail address for any such images to be sent to us : 

2024 Public Holidays

Monday 7th October 2024

Wednesday 25th December 2024

Thursday 26th December 2024    

Repeat Prescriptions

green_pill_spillRepeat prescriptions can be ordered by using the following methods: 

  • Online via the link at the top of this page
  • Pop your repeat medication order form into the post box in the Practice foyer
  • Complete a request slip in the foyer and pop into the post box 
  • Hand repeat order form to your preferred Local Pharmacy, for delivery to the Practice, if they offer that service 
  • Posting your written request and enclosing a stamped addressed envelope
  • From 10.10.2022 we are trialling sending prescription requests directly by dedicated email to the Practice

Repeat prescriptions may be ordered a maximum of 7-10 days before the medication is due to run out and will take 48 hours for the Practice to process.  

All prescriptions will be sent to your preferred Pharmacy.  If you have not yet allocated a Pharmacy please contact Reception who will update your records.  

You may wish to verify with your Pharmacy their current dispensing timescales before arranging to collect your prescription.  Some Pharmacies also operate a reorder/delivery service which should also be verified directly with them.  

Emergency Prescriptions - requests for emergency prescriptions will be taken for same day issue by Duty GP for INSULIN, INHALERS, EPIPEN or ANTI-EPILEPTIC medication. 

Anything other than this, we would advise that the request will be passed to the Duty GP for their verification, authorisation and instruction to issue if deemed appropriate.   

Please note it is our policy that we cannot take prescription requests over the telephone.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

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